
Sometimes we feel we’re ‘stuck’ in life, and maybe even feel a little confused about what we really want to do in life. It isn’t impossible to figure it out, and one way of accomplishing this is by interpreting your dreams. We dream about one to four hours every night, and if we take the time to do the work, these dreams can be deciphered, allowing us to connect the dreams to our inner needs.

Dreams And Goals

In this short post I'd like to discuss a certain kind of belief that holds many people - people who are quite capable and talented - back from reaching goals, realizing dreams, and becoming all that they can become. The concept of the "Absolute Presupposition" is central to this discussion. (The term was originally coined by the British philosopher R.G. Collingwood, in a somewhat different context.)

Creating the Perfect Goals for Success

Every single motivational speaker will tell you that you need to create goals so that you know what you are working towards. Well, that's not the whole story though. It goes beyond just writing goals down on paper.

Why do we need goals? We need them so that we know where we want to go towards, right? Without goals, we are basically wandering around in the darkness hoping that we reach the right place. But, we also use goals as a motivational tool to give us that boost of energy to work towards them.